Undergoing a hair transplant surgery is one of the most major decisions that you could’ve taken in your life. While the probability of how the results would come out sound stress-inducing, finding the best doctor for the job is equally challenging. Especially when you need to be assured of a high success rate and successful result. However, the one thing that you shouldn’t be concerned about is the effects the surgery would have on your existing hair. Why, you ask? Let’s find out!
The Natural Hair Growth Cycle
Hair naturally grows from the protein cells at the bottom of the follicles present in our skin. These follicles, supplied with the essential blood vessels, then promote healthy hair growth and maintain the natural cycle in four stages – Anagen, Catagen, Telogen, and Exogen.
The active growth stage of the hair is known as Anagen that lasts for a few years. The transition phase where the follicles get loose and get detached from the roots is known as Catagen. The follicles, in this stage, renew themselves and shrink to almost 1/6th of their length, stripping off all necessary nutrients required for the growth.
The hair then reaches the resting or Telogen phase where the follicles have turned to the size of a club by shrinking. Lasting for around 5 months, this is when the new hair emerges from the root and pushes the club hair forward. The final stage is known as Exogen where the follicles break and you notice hair fall. To think of it, losing 100 strands of hair per day is normal, and you should be concerned if it crosses that mark.
At times, based on genetic predisposition or lifestyle issues, the follicles are subjected to permanent damage. This can automatically prevent further hair growth at the site, thereby leading to Androgenetic Alopecia or hair fall, for which you would have to undergo a hair transplant surgery.
Hair Transplant Procedure and Cost
So, How Does Hair Transplant Affect Existing Hair?
Hair transplant surgery is a procedure in which healthy hair follicles extracted from areas of the scalp unaffected by Androgenetic Alopecia are used for implantation to a balding area. Once the follicles are implanted in the recipient area, they need some time to become accustomed to their new surroundings. Before going back to their regular growth cycle, the follicles go through a shock loss phase. Here, you might find that the follicles are falling off your head, but there is nothing to panic about.
Since the procedure involves extraction first and then implantation, the existing hair present in the balding area affected by Androgenetic Alopecia might undergo slight miniaturization that can go unnoticed. The size and length of the hair, during the surgery, start decreasing gradually that, in the future, falls out as well. However, when you consult professionals for the surgery, the experts would implant through the miniaturized hair, thereby providing a high success rate.
This primarily happens in the recipient area where the implantation is happening as it cuts the circulation around the scalp, causing hair fall. The hair, though, regrows during the recovery period. The one thing that you need to take note of during this period is the proper placement of the follicles. You would also need to follow all post-surgical instructions properly to see that the roots stay intact inside the follicle so that the hair has no problems during regrowth.
What Factors Might Affect the Existing Hair Follicles?
Yes, hair thinning after undergoing a transplant procedure is common when you are in the shock loss period. However, if you are facing prolonged damage, you should consult a professional immediately. Some of the most common reasons behind a botched-up surgery include:
- Lack of Expertise: As a cosmetic procedure that delivers permanent results, hair transplant should always be performed by experienced professionals who are well-aware of the implications and thus provide preside placement of the grafts. If you consult a doctor with no prior experience, the results might not be as expected.
- Trauma to the Follicles: The success of a hair transplant surgery depends largely on the after-care you receive for the same. Experts will always have a team of after-care professionals who would give you a list of dos and don’ts that you would have to follow to get the best results at the best possible time. In case you don’t follow those instructions, you might end up with botched results as the newly implanted follicles have a chance of undergoing trauma due to mishandling.
- Medication Reaction: It is an uncommon but not impossible complication that patients face after going for a hair transplant procedure. You might experience uncontrolled hair loss post the surgery, long after the shedding phase is over. You should, in this case, immediately consult the professional before it takes a turn for the worst to determine the reason for the same. There are high chances of it happening as a reaction to a medication you are having at the moment.
Why Take Professional Consultations for Hair Transplant Surgery?
As mentioned, this is a cosmetic procedure that has permanent implications, and thus, you should always opt for a consultation with an experienced professional to get it right on the first go. Dr Preeti Saraswat and Dr Satya Kumar Saraswat are two of the most widely sought-after surgeons certified by the American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery (ABHRS) consulting at Saraswat Hospital, Agra who offer highly personalized treatment plans based on the patient requirements.
The surgeons have over 17 years of experience in the field and are certified by several international boards. The doctors stay updated with modern developments and the latest technologies in the field so that they can deliver natural-looking results without side effects. Saraswat Hospital has the best after-care team of experts to guide every patient through their recovery period.
Dr Satya Kumar Saraswat has degrees such as MBBS, MS, M.Ch, and DNB (Plastic Surgery) to his name. He specializes in hair transplant, cleft lip and palate surgeries. As one of the handpicked surgeons certified by several international boards, he is also eligible to perform the UGraft™ punch method to get the best results out of the hair transplant surgery.
Dr Preeti Saraswat is an MBBS with a Post Graduate Diploma degree in Clinical Cosmetology (PGDCC) from the University of Greifswald, Germany. She has a lifetime membership of the Indian Association of Cosmetic Laser Surgeons and is also a member of the Indian Medical Association, making her one of the best doctors for the surgery in India.
To Sum it Up:
Hair transplant surgery is a once-in-a-lifetime surgery that can change the way your hair looks, permanently. This is why you should be extremely careful as you consult a doctor for the same. So, if you are planning to invest in the surgery, you should get in touch with experienced doctors to get the best results on the first go. To know more about the surgery, you can book a consultation with the best hair transplant clinic in India, Saraswat Hospital, today. Get in touch with the team of experts at the hospital for a consultation. All you have to do is dial +91-9690039999 / +91-9258386320 or send an email to saraswathospitalagra@gmail.com.
Also Read: How Can Hair Transplant Surgery Help With Androgenetic Alopecia?