Vacuum trucks are specially designed vehicles used to pump excess liquid waste from oil spills, septic tanks, catch basins, and other similar places. These trucks perform industrial waste clean-up and improvement and maintenance in residential neighborhoods, from street sweeping, sewage cleaning to excavation work.
There are many types of vacuum trucks, yet they are all equipped with hydro-excavating technology and high-power vacuums to clean out lagoons, tanks, and municipal water infrastructure. They are also equipped with debris tanks for hauling away materials that require safe disposal.
Uses of Vacuum Trucks
Industrial vacuum vehicles are commonly used at construction sites. They are ideal for safe excavation and other underground utilities. The high-pressure water that the truck can provide is used to disintegrate mining soil. Also, the powerful vacuum removes debris, storing it into the tank for later restoration or relocation. Vacuum trucks are also used in construction for soil trenching and hole excavation.
Spillage Cleaning
Industrial vacuum trucks are also ideal for cleaning spills. These units can work with dry and wet materials and are engineered to carry debris securely for safe disposal, prevent leakage and hold toxic chemical odours. These unique features ensure that hazardous elements do not contaminate the surroundings and preserve the community and the environment’s welfare.
Oilfield Operations
The giant trucks were initially developed to remove wet debris conveniently. And suctioning can also be adjusted for velocity, ideal for eliminating thin frothy liquid to mud. Often, vacuum trucks are used to discard water wastes from oilfield operations.
Disaster Clean-up
Vacuum trucks are also suitable for cleaning up after disaster events. The functionality and size of these trucks make cleaning operations require less labour. These trucks are often the only type of vehicles equipped to remove from storm drains and catch basins that would otherwise cause flooding after storms or hurricanes.
Rescue Missions
These vehicles can also save lives. Vacuum trucks assist with rescue operations and emergencies, such as cave-in recovery missions and construction mishaps.
Benefits of Using Vacuum Trucks
When dealing with hazardous waste, you want to be able to dispose of debris in the safest way possible without compromising your staff and community’s health.
There are many models and makes of vacuum trucks to choose from, with different specialized accessories to better handle dry and wet materials. These power vehicles can easily dispose of large amounts of material, with tanks that can accommodate up to 2,000 gallons of liquid.
Convenience and Efficiency
Vacuum trucks are also used for excavations underground. Traditional digging operations can cause direct harm to underground fixtures and utilities like cable lines, water lines and sewage pipes. Though the vehicles themselves can be very big, they can be parked at a safe distance from the working area and the suction tube can be placed underground. Vacuuming to dig ensures less moving parts, making it easier to minimize overall damage.
Though the origins of vacuum trucks emerged from literal waste, these versatile vehicles have evolved into highly specialized machines preferred for use throughout multiple industries. They have proven to be massively beneficial even outside of waste disposal, from large-scale construction operations to the regular maintenance of residential communities. Vacuum trucks are the way to go for efficiency and the assured safety of your city.