Being a foremost cryptocurrency, Bitcoin has become a favourite digital currency for many crypto lovers. Such as they are inquisitive to buy Bitcoin anonymously as they don’t like the idea of giving the photo ID to multiple exchanges trading in Bitcoin. but they don’t have much idea about it. Well, today I quench all your curiosity to buy Bitcoin without ID in this blog. So please follow the blog till the end.
Even though Bitcoin has a good reputation for being a people’s favourite cryptocurrency, the very one fact that pinches any crypto lover like you is that it is not anonymous completely. Yes, it is true. And I am saying based on fact that all your transactions are disclosed publicly on blockchain technology. Also, the exchanges who deal in the trading of Bitcoins, ask for identity verifications. Now you will think when there is no room for anonymity, then how is it possible to buy Bitcoin without providing an ID. But it is possible. And there are methods to buy it. See them below:
Bitcoin ATM
Surprised! Yes, it is true. Bitcoin ATMs can also be the best option to buy Bitcoin without ID. All you need to do is to visit your nearby Bitcoin ATM and use cash to purchase Bitcoins. Indeed, it is not possible to find Bitcoin ATM everywhere or next to your locality, so I am mentioning other methods to buy Bitcoin anonymously.
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Prepaid Credit Card
Prepaid credit cards are one of the best and simplest ways to buy Bitcoin without ID. There are exchanges linked to Bitcoins, where users can buy the latter coin with cards with no need for ID verification. Just understand it like a gift card to experience shopping in the supermarket. One of the exchanges which are linked to Bitcoin is Coinmama. This cryptocurrency exchange will let you buy Bitcoins through cash or credit card. But the amount of purchase limit is minimum.
Paxful Exchange
Another method to buy Bitcoin without ID or anonymously is using a Paxful exchange. It is also one of the simplest methods to opt for. What you have to do is to search for someone eager to sell Bitcoins for cash close to your place. You can even go for an email address for signing up for Paxful. The process of id is optional here. By using cash, it will be very easier to stay untraced as for transactions, there will be no documentation.
Now, don’t get confused with the popular crypto slang having the similar name ‘HODL’ meaning to hold cryptocurrencies. HODLHODL is rather a popular P2P Bitcoin exchange that enables direct trading between users. Again, I am saying it is different from HODL slang and does not keep the funds of users. There is no compulsion of processes like ID verification as well as KYC.
Founded six years back from now, CoinCorner is the popular Bitcoin broker, situated in the Isle of Man. Here users can buy Bitcoin having worth of $1000 without any ID verification. The services provided by CoinCorner is spread worldwide, excluding the US. Adding more to it, this Bitcoin broker even facilitates its users with the mobile app. It is much helpful for them in conducting Bitcoin transactions on mobile.
So these are some of the popular methods to buy Bitcoin without ID. I hope you will find this blog much helpful in guiding you about how you can buy Bitcoin anonymously. If you are still inquisitive to find more about this topic, then I recommend you visit the Cryptoknowmics website. More than a site, it is also a web library of all crypto topics including Bitcoin, cryptocurrency exchanges, and more. Keep yourself abreast of its cryptocurrency news calendar to find new crypto updates. Or you can even know more about this topic on this site. So go and grab all the crypto updates.