There are many laws that are individual with respect to their state. One such amazing example of this statement is Samoa. In Samoa, it is illegal to forget to wish your wife, a happy birthday. In Australia, you can get a $10,000 fine for interrupting a wedding! So, what’s the point? There are some laws that are distinctive. Knowing them before stepping into a state can be really helpful.
So, what Dubai laws do you need to know of before starting your journey? Here are some of them which will hopefully help you get started.
Laws of Dubai that Tourists should know
Consider Carrying an international driving license if you are from Dubai Road and Transport listed Countries. These countries include Australia, Bahrain, Belgium, Canada, China, Denmark, and more. There are 35 countries in total. Do you want to find out yours? Press Ctrl + F and type your country’s name in the search bar to find out whether you are from RTA listed countries or not.
Australia Latvia
Bahrain Lithuania
Belgium Luxembourg
Canada New Zealand
China Netherlands (Holland)
Denmark Norway
Finland Oman
France Poland
Germany Portugal
Greece Qatar
Hungary Saudia Arabia
Ireland Serbia
Italy Singapore
Kuwait Slovakia
Spain South Africa
Switzerland Spain
Turkey United Kingdom
The United States of America.
Remember to carry your driving license along with your Tourist’s Visa If you are from GCC. There are 6 countries in the Gulf Co-operation Council. Look below to find yours.
The United Arab Emirates.
Saudia Arabia.
For more information on Laws in Dubai and Driving norms and Ethics, please contact: RTA Online Support System
However, there are certain things that you should consider avoiding by the Dubai Law. Dubai has banned public dancing. For that, you will be needing a private space or a licensed bar. Dancing is an act which is required by the Dubai law to be performed within the privacy.
What you also need to avoid is swearing. Abstain from it as an offender can be fined and jailed.
Moreover, don’t consider the public display of affection as a good option in Dubai. If you were thinking about proposing to your loved one, perhaps thinking that it would be a scene to remember. Well, the latter may be true as you run 100% chances of getting fined or even jailed. Who knows? It’s Dubai!
Amongst these prohibitions, photographing women and sharing a hotel room with an opposite-gender unless married or closely related is also prohibited, strictly.
Top Wonderful Things to do in Dubai for Tourists (2020)
All in all, the best advice for anyone visiting Dubai for the first time would be that he or she should contact legal authorities, gain as much information as possible from the embassy and from the Car Rental Companies as well.
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