Migraine headache is common and highly disabling chronic neurological diseases all over the world. A recent research study conducted by Migraine Research Foundation in 2019 stated that; Migraine is one of the most ubiquitous neurological diseases which affected the 39 million population of the U.S. (Including men, women,and children) and 1 billion people from all over the world. Unfortunately, nowadays, COVID-19 pandemic is spreading rapidly all over the globe. During this nerve-racking situation of pandemic and lockdown, migraine patients are facing a mammoth problem in getting proper care due to interminable challenges including forced social distancing, self isolation, and bumping into a health system that is getting hastily inundated
You must have heard that “By changing nothing, nothing changes” that’s why a positive change including intake of a healthy diet, an optimistic view towards life, excessive exercise and goal setting is always apparent in your life. Undoubtedly, the healthy lifestyle which mainly includes introduction of all those habits that bring positivity in your life by making it serene signifies excellent prevention against migraines by reducing the intensity of headaches. No matter if a cluster headache bothers you, you take stress for no reason or have some severe migraine issues; a substantial change in living pattern is the desired elucidation of all such concerns.
So, migraine pain requires the ultimate solution before it’s too late. There are numerous things that can trigger a migraine headache including unhealthy food, drinks, stress, medication, irregular sleeping patterns, smells, bright sunlight and hormonal changes. Once you start identifying what triggers your pain, you can effortlessly manage the migraine for sure. It all requires some additional effort to examine what brings discomfort in your life
Facts about Migraine Headache
The Journal of Headache and Pain mentioned that Usually, migraines can be unremitting i.e., you can experience this acute pain for more than 6times a month, and it drastically impinges on your routine activities. There isn’t any particular reason for this pain as anything can cause migraine pain, including strong cologne, weather changes, insomnia, consumption of specific food & beverages, and fluctuated estrogens levels.
Lifestyle Tips to Reduce Migraine Pain
Nevertheless, it is possible to manage your migraine pain by changing your lifestyle. You can espouse following tips for the incredible improvement including;
Get Enough Sleep
Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise, so why don’t you change your sleeping patterns. It is better to take out sometime for morning walk and exercise.
One of the essential tips that require complete consideration is that you should get enough sleep. It doesn’t mean that you should sleep for the whole day, you must sleep early and wake up early. 6 to 8 hours of sleep is imperative if you truly intend to reduce the migraine issues.
Maintain a Proper Record of Eating and Drinking Pattern
Good food is a guarantee of good health, so eat healthy to think vigorous. Artificial sweeteners and food that contain a rich proportion of chemicals and sulfites (Including alcohol, beer, champagne and red wine etc) shouldn’t be part of your diet. However, start eating healthy food and incorporate almonds, fruits, and vegetables as a significant part of your diet.
See a Professional Pain Doctor
Tranquil life is the key to avoid acute migraine pain. If changing lifestyle is not helping you at all then seek help from a professional pain doctor as he knows exactly how to monitor all such concerns proficiently.
Source Url: https://medium.com/@harrylouis1122/change-your-lifestyle-to-manage-migraines-84795d3bb6ed