Business owners and marketers recognize the huge potential of social media as a new way to market their business, reach a wide audience and get more sales.
Facebook marketing, being the most popular one, has transformed how business is conducted. But for most businesses and service providers, it seems like the battle for online presence is never-ending. While all the tips you read can be overwhelming, there are several simple yet effective ways to market your brand on Facebook.
It’s time to take your business page to the next level. You can take a look at several social media packages online but here are some of the marketing experts tips on using Facebook for business:
Related: Top 5 Reasons to Use Social Media Marketing in Your Business
1. Your Facebook page should reflect the overall look and feel of your brand
- Make good use of your vanity URL – make your full business name as your Facebook page username so it will be easier for customers and search engines to find you (e.g.
- About section — use keywords that are commonly used by your customers to search for your business and products. Include your website URL in your description
- Set the right category – if you’re a local business and you select it as your business type, Facebook users can “check in” at your business, giving you more exposure
- Cover and profile photo — professional quality of cover photo (851×315 pixels) and profile photo (160×160 pixels)
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2. Study your page viewers and post strategically
The best time of day to publish posts can vary from page to page and audience to audience.
Research shows: Posts from 1-4 pm have the highest clickthrough & share rates.CLICK TO TWEETHubSpot, Do’s and Don’ts: Facebook for Business
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3.Attract more likes by using images
According to Facebook, 75% of content posted by brands are images. Show the human side of your business by featuring customers or clients. Images shared on Facebook tend to attract the most likes, shares and comments.
Marketing Donut, Checklist
Effective Strategies for Generating More Leads for Your Business
4. Brand awareness and positive word-of-mouth
The more you encourage people to click the ‘Like’ button on your Facebook page, the more you boost brand awareness. Friends and extended network of your followers will then get to see your products or services and learn about them too. Hire a VA and assign a task or two to handle your social media campaigns.
How to create a Facebook business page
5. Always drive traffic to your website
Businesses can use an extra traffic from Facebook. Include a link to your website on your page. Visitors who already know something about your business are likely to be more receptive than the average visitor. Make sure customers who land on your Facebook page will see stronger marketing messages and will be motivated to click the website link.
Benefits of Facebook for business
Business owners and professionals:
How to Create an Effective Cover for the Facebook Page
6. Why more executives are now on Facebook Live
Facebook’s “Live” video feature, which launched last August are attracting more business execs, such as Loic Le Meur, a cofounder at LeWeb, and an entrepreneur and investor.
Initially, Le Meur created live videos randomly, but quickly noticed an impressive increase in views and audience engagement. He then started doing live videos for one hour each day. Now, his page already has over 160,000 followers and he said he is getting more than one thousand per day.
“My approach with Live was to try to do something original and share the way I am building my startup in an authentic and transparent way,” Le Meur said. “I wanted to come across as a founder telling his friends what I am doing and what I need.”
Le Meur, on PR Week
7. Take a shot with Facebook Ads
It’s important to write clear and concise ads that speak directly to your targeted audience.
Katy Dinner, a top San Francisco-based agent conducted a study of the impact of parking spaces and garages on home prices in San Francisco and used a graph of the data in a successful Facebook Ad campaign.
She recommends setting up Facebook ads to target not only your fans but also their friends — because those who are in your area of influence are more likely to become clients and be in your target demographic.
Be smart about the image you use. People want to see properties, not your smiling face.CLICK TO TWEET“They’ll also click on graphs if the information is focused, relevant and not available elsewhere, says Dinner. ”
Talking about Facebook ads, at VAT LLC, we try to attract more visitors by pinning our most popular ad post to the top of our page’s timeline.
Some Facebook success stories:
8. Write a compelling story with strong CTA’s
To guarantee effective creative ad content, craft a compelling copy with strong calls to action. Top-quality images are also a plus. ran photo ads that showcased its most visually appealing products. Link ads in the News Feed and the right column also drove traffic directly to the company’s website.
“We’ve found Facebook to be one of the key drivers of our growth. While it continues to be great with its reach and targeting capability from a branding and visibility point of view, it has also delivered tangible results in terms of site visits, the number of orders and overall revenue.”
Vikram Chopra, co-founder, FabFurnish
9. Build a community through constant interaction
“Facebook has played a huge role in turning me into a best-selling author. That fact of my life can’t be overstated. As my books started to take off in late 2011 and early 2012, I began to think about ways I could harness reader excitement about the books and build a community around my stories.
Today, I’m the proud owner of 33 Facebook groups with more than 16,000 members. I love my Facebook groups, and I love the personal interaction with my readers. Thank you, Facebook, for making it possible for me to be “down on the street” with my readers every day!”
Marie Force, How Facebook Helped Me Become A Best-Selling Author
10. Develop trust and loyalty with your fans
When you post status updates, don’t make 100% of your posts just about you and your business. Help out someone in need by providing insights, answering questions, giving advise. Be transparent and let your own stand shine through.
What trending media relate to your audience? Make a post based on that.CLICK TO TWEETLori Peterson, an Ambit Energy consultant has a different approach. To gain more clients, she used Facebook’s influence by telling her story in subtle ways.
She once posted a status like: ‘Setting off on a new adventure. Going to be busier than ever.’ Almost immediately, someone contacted her to ask what the new adventure was.
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